Getting ready for Valentine's Day?
Call us biased, but we think there’s nothing more romantic than plastic free, pfas free oral hygiene. That’s why we here at Dental Lace want to make sure that you and your loved one have clean, healthy smiles for Valentine’s Day.
Guest Blog
We have a new guest post on our blog! Joe Rees from Catastrophes wrote a wonderful blog post called "Stressed Entrepreneurs can use these tips to be proactive about climate change." If you have been considering starting a new business, but have been concerned about how it might contribute to climate change, Joe offers some wonderful tips on how to reduce climate related stress. Head on over to our blog to check it out.
Less Trash Challenge
have a problem with the plastic packaging that comes with frozen fruit and veggies. How does everyone freeze their fruit and veggies without plastic? We would also love ideas for plastic free dog food, cheese and coffee bags. These seem to be our major problem areas. We would love to hear from you.
Send your suggestions to contact@dentallace.com or send us messages on our social media
A testimonial
We're down to the last bit of Dental Lace floss, and to stretch it out I tried supplementing with some respectable quality, name-brand floss. WOW. What a difference! I'd say we're customers for life.
Finally, I recently had my 6-month dental cleaning. Besides the DL floss I've been using a bamboo brush and toothpaste bits from Bite. This was the fastest and easiest cleaning I've ever had -- and I was told that whatever I'm doing, to keep it up! I will. Here's to a good clean mouth -- and love for the Earth -- for 2023. Happy New Year!!
~ Janeen