Here is a sneak peek at something new coming to Dental Lace! We will soon be adding stainless steel caps to our refillable containers to help keep your floss clean and hygienic, especially when you take it on the go. Be on the lookout for more surprises that we have planned for this fall!
Do you ever feel stressed over the state of our planet? Have you ever worried about whether or not we are doing enough to combat the effects of climate change? Then you are not alone. What you feel is called Eco-Anxiety, and it is very real. Doing all we can to help our planet can sometimes be overwhelming and stressful. Especially when you don’t know where to start. I’ve been researching ways to help cope with eco-anxiety, and I came across a helpful article by Erika Schwerdferger, where she highlights 5 methods for dealing with eco related stress.
1. Rethink Your Commute
Consider biking or walking instead of driving.
2. Think Small
Develop small, everyday habits that positively impact our planet.
3. Find Green Spaces
Spending time in nature has been proven to reduce stress.
4. Talk to Family and Friends
Remember, it’s healthy to let those closest to you know how you feel.
5. Find Your People
Find a support group to help make sense of your eco-anxiety. You are not alone.
I highly recommend reading her full article.
There is a reason one of our container designs is called pumpkin spice. No, it isn't because floss the pumpkin spice flavored. It’s because we love pumpkins! But they can get a little messy, especially if you are making jack-o'-lanterns. Here are a few tips to help you cut back on the waste from pumpkins this Fall.
- Grow your own pumpkins or buy them from a local farmer
Cook to make purée for pie and other wonderful treats
Roast the seeds
Store pumpkin puree or roasted seeds in reusable glass containers like mason jars
Compost discarded parts of the pumpkin, or leave them outside for the wildlife