Letter of Support for Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging
“As a Maine-based business, we’re working hard to do the right thing for our environment with our zero waste commitment. While local businesses like mine can take steps to reduce waste we also need the big corporations that produce packaging materials to do their part too. That’s why I support the EPR for Packaging law being backed by NRCM and Maine’s municipalities.”.” Jodi Breau, Owner ofDental Lace
Maine’s economy depends on a clean and healthy environment. Every year, our reputation as an eco-friendly state with spectacular outdoor spaces draws thousands of families of tourists. Visitors pump millions of dollars into our local businesses and generate significant tax income.
Maine’s local businesses, residents, and tourists all want to do the right thing to protect Maine’s environment but unfortunately the serious problems facing our waste and recycling systems are making that more challenging than it should be.
Maine’s taxpayer funded municipal recycling programs have been struggling to survive since 2017. Today, recycling costs Maine taxpayers an average of 67% more per ton than trash disposal. An increase in packaging and waste as a result of the pandemic is increasing the strain on trash and recycling programs. As a result, cutbacks and closures to municipal recycling programs have occurred throughout Maine as property taxpayers are being asked to pay more.
There is no indication that things will get better unless the Maine Legislature acts to reform recycling. Maine needs to adopt a proven solution known as Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging (EPR) that is already used in 47 countries and provinces around the world. Because EPR has been so successful in those places, many states are now working to bring the policy to the U.S.
As local businesses who care about environmental stewardship and the future of Maine, we are joining Maine’s municipalities in urging the Maine Legislature to adopt an Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging law as soon as possible.
EPR works because it holds big corporations, not Maine’s local businesses or municipalities, accountable for the waste they introduce into our state and creates a more sustainable funding mechanism for recycling that will reduce the burden on Maine taxpayers. EPR doesn’t impact consumer prices and also encourages innovation in packaging designs that reduce waste and improve recyclability.
EPR is a more fair, effective and sustainable solution for improving recycling that will help support our economy and preserve Maine’s image as an environmental leader.